The squeals coming from the Kremlin and Washington suggest the decision represents their worst nightmare. Putin obviously was going to ignore any deal signed and would have taken control of Ukraine anyway and agent Krasnov is frustrated that his plan is unlikely to form the basis of any peace plan.
We are beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel but it will not be easy. Well done EU.
Even as an American I am in agreement with the EU’s decision to back Ukraine 🇺🇦. America is on a path of destruction. Hopefully we will one day be rid of the cancer that occupies the WH. Until then, Slava Ukraine.
This historic moment marks the end of the “Pax Americana!”
The peace and prosperity which the United States of America (USA) provided to the entire Free World is no more! Our entire lifetime we enjoyed the freedom that our forefathers fought and died for in both World Wars!
The USA’s foreign policy was “peace through strength!” Our policy towards aggression was “containment!” Our military buildup was for “deterrence !” We worked with our allies to implement these strategies!
Today! We side with the aggressors with NO EXPLANATION!
I ask the question!
Why are we abandoning the Free World after 80 years of success, of peace and prosperity?
Silence !
History teaches us that the world will face another great world war!
I would proposed the following as a partial answer to your question: "Why are we abandoning the Free World after 80 years of success, of peace and prosperity?"
America was built on the promise of equal treatment under the law and due process, but also on the actual values of racism, misogyny, and general demonization of the Other. In short, we're really no different than any other people; however, we have the hutzpa to believe we - and especially our government - are special. In thinking that we would always be special, we got lazy, became stupid, and allowed the billionaires to take over.
As I have said elsewhere, since 1789 when the French revolted and the US Constitution came into being, France has had five Republics and the USA only one. We need to learn the lesson that a second Republic is needed.
Big money is unlawful killing Congressional oversight by claiming the President has absolute executive power! This is corporate bullshit! But watch the Roberts’s Court carefully! They’re an ultra conservative bunch who would vote to UNDERMINE THE LAWFUL POWER OF CONGRESS!
It’s not a problem of THE REPUBLIC, but the corporate shills we have representing us!
Craig! Thanks for your thoughtful response to my question!
Let me start by saying I agree with you that our people are much less worthy to be called Americans than previous generations! They seem vacuous (empty-headed), materialistic and worst of all, hate-filled! But how the descended into such ignorance is not so simple to explain!
I certainly do not blame the U. S.Constitution for our tragedy! The U.S.Constitution is an amazing blueprint. The Preamble is pure poetry in setting the goals of our self-government! I encourage you to read it again!
The foundation of the Constitution rests on the three (3) co- equal branches of government! Therein lies the enduring stability of our government! That single notion that the legislative, executive and judiciary are co- equal is unparalleled in history!
The amendment process recognizes our need to meet new challenges; and lastly the Bill of Rights is a masterpiece for guaranteeing our personal freedom from oppression!
It isn’t of Constitutional that’s off-track!
It’s the people without principles, morals or integrity who we elect to lead us that is at least PART OF THE PROBLEM!
Money corrupts and power corrupts! We now have billionaires in charge who only seek more money and more power at all costs to us and our country!
Corporate wealth gained the right to buy elections when the Roberts’s Court deemed their shitload of money was political speech!
Corporations have been shouting over us ever since! Thru are calling for an end to restrictions and regulations that HOLD CORPORATIONS ACCOUNTABLE!
Musk/Trump, Vance , Thiel and Sachs Congressionally mandate and government is dismantled and agencies defunded! Efficiency has NOTHING to do with it! CORPORATIONS ARE NO LONGER TAXED ENOUGH SND NIW THEY WANT TOTAL CONTROL NO REGULATION!
A large part of the answer as to how our voters have descended into such ignorance is brainwashing by FOX "infotainment". Viewers have been convinced that media other than FOX is all liberal propaganda and lies. They have turned the word liberal into something hateful and evil. Murdoch knew what he was doing.
Shankar, your commentary is so very insightful and effective! Every day the first thing I now do is look for your most current article(s). As a Canadian you can see why I am so interested in your insights.
As an American I am doing the same. His insight is extraordinary. There is an aspect to his knowledge and confidence that is calming in this stressful time.
It's one step forward, but a ton of work remains. The good news is that if they had stumbled here, it would have slowed down a lot of things—but that didn’t happen. Now, the Council can start working on the details. EU pension funds have signaled they’re ready to buy war bonds, and I hope they ramp it up well beyond €150 billion. Merz is pushing for more—hopefully, he gets it done.
The squeals coming from the Kremlin and Washington suggest the decision represents their worst nightmare. Putin obviously was going to ignore any deal signed and would have taken control of Ukraine anyway and agent Krasnov is frustrated that his plan is unlikely to form the basis of any peace plan.
We are beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel but it will not be easy. Well done EU.
Brilliant reporting and brilliant content!
Even as an American I am in agreement with the EU’s decision to back Ukraine 🇺🇦. America is on a path of destruction. Hopefully we will one day be rid of the cancer that occupies the WH. Until then, Slava Ukraine.
This historic moment marks the end of the “Pax Americana!”
The peace and prosperity which the United States of America (USA) provided to the entire Free World is no more! Our entire lifetime we enjoyed the freedom that our forefathers fought and died for in both World Wars!
The USA’s foreign policy was “peace through strength!” Our policy towards aggression was “containment!” Our military buildup was for “deterrence !” We worked with our allies to implement these strategies!
Today! We side with the aggressors with NO EXPLANATION!
I ask the question!
Why are we abandoning the Free World after 80 years of success, of peace and prosperity?
Silence !
History teaches us that the world will face another great world war!
Then, the silence will end!
Then our It lasted eighty (80) years until now!
I would proposed the following as a partial answer to your question: "Why are we abandoning the Free World after 80 years of success, of peace and prosperity?"
America was built on the promise of equal treatment under the law and due process, but also on the actual values of racism, misogyny, and general demonization of the Other. In short, we're really no different than any other people; however, we have the hutzpa to believe we - and especially our government - are special. In thinking that we would always be special, we got lazy, became stupid, and allowed the billionaires to take over.
As I have said elsewhere, since 1789 when the French revolted and the US Constitution came into being, France has had five Republics and the USA only one. We need to learn the lesson that a second Republic is needed.
We need public financing of campaign s!
Big money is unlawful killing Congressional oversight by claiming the President has absolute executive power! This is corporate bullshit! But watch the Roberts’s Court carefully! They’re an ultra conservative bunch who would vote to UNDERMINE THE LAWFUL POWER OF CONGRESS!
It’s not a problem of THE REPUBLIC, but the corporate shills we have representing us!
Craig! Thanks for your thoughtful response to my question!
Let me start by saying I agree with you that our people are much less worthy to be called Americans than previous generations! They seem vacuous (empty-headed), materialistic and worst of all, hate-filled! But how the descended into such ignorance is not so simple to explain!
I certainly do not blame the U. S.Constitution for our tragedy! The U.S.Constitution is an amazing blueprint. The Preamble is pure poetry in setting the goals of our self-government! I encourage you to read it again!
The foundation of the Constitution rests on the three (3) co- equal branches of government! Therein lies the enduring stability of our government! That single notion that the legislative, executive and judiciary are co- equal is unparalleled in history!
The amendment process recognizes our need to meet new challenges; and lastly the Bill of Rights is a masterpiece for guaranteeing our personal freedom from oppression!
It isn’t of Constitutional that’s off-track!
It’s the people without principles, morals or integrity who we elect to lead us that is at least PART OF THE PROBLEM!
Money corrupts and power corrupts! We now have billionaires in charge who only seek more money and more power at all costs to us and our country!
Corporate wealth gained the right to buy elections when the Roberts’s Court deemed their shitload of money was political speech!
Corporations have been shouting over us ever since! Thru are calling for an end to restrictions and regulations that HOLD CORPORATIONS ACCOUNTABLE!
Musk/Trump, Vance , Thiel and Sachs Congressionally mandate and government is dismantled and agencies defunded! Efficiency has NOTHING to do with it! CORPORATIONS ARE NO LONGER TAXED ENOUGH SND NIW THEY WANT TOTAL CONTROL NO REGULATION!
It’s all unconstitutional!
Craig! I was wrong! You are right!
Our Constitution needs updating!
The Democratic Party needs to build up Governorships and state legislatures to allow amendments to the Constitution!
The Supreme Court needs to be expanded to curb its overreach!
I encourage you to Read Mark Mansoor’s blog AMERICA’s FRACTURED POLITICS, his article “The System is Broken!”
Mark Mansoor, lawyer, summarizes the flaws and abuses in our government, starting at its inception!
Mark outlines what we need to fo fix these structural problems!
Needless to say it won’t be quick or easy!
Good jobs , Craig and Mark!
A large part of the answer as to how our voters have descended into such ignorance is brainwashing by FOX "infotainment". Viewers have been convinced that media other than FOX is all liberal propaganda and lies. They have turned the word liberal into something hateful and evil. Murdoch knew what he was doing.
Yes, the EU is doing exactly what America should...This American stands with Ukraine and the EU !!! Eff Cheetolini !!!
Such good news!
Shankar, your commentary is so very insightful and effective! Every day the first thing I now do is look for your most current article(s). As a Canadian you can see why I am so interested in your insights.
As an American I am doing the same. His insight is extraordinary. There is an aspect to his knowledge and confidence that is calming in this stressful time.
I'd say Zelinskyy now has a full deck of cards.
TFG can GFH.
Stock in German, British and French defense manufacturers:
RHM. DE (Rheinmetall AG 🇩🇪),
BA. L (BAE Systems 🇬🇧 ) and
TCFP. PA (Thales SA 🇫🇷).
Also, ETL. PA Eutelsat ( 🇬🇧 & 🇫🇷 ) is in talks with EU to replace Starlink for Ukraine.
france launched aa spy satellite yesterday, this will help enormsly
This is a very upbeat assessment. I hope it works!
It's one step forward, but a ton of work remains. The good news is that if they had stumbled here, it would have slowed down a lot of things—but that didn’t happen. Now, the Council can start working on the details. EU pension funds have signaled they’re ready to buy war bonds, and I hope they ramp it up well beyond €150 billion. Merz is pushing for more—hopefully, he gets it done.
So proud of Europe
Tremendous. Just reading your report feels like an elephant lifted off our bodies. For a moment. Breathe
One good step Sara. One very important step. There are three or four more to take before March 20th. Now on to the next one.